Athlete of the Week: Bo Wilson, Lebanon

Name: Bo Wilson

School: Lebanon

Sport: Baseball

Class: Senior

Age: 17

Claim to fame: Pitching

Bet you didn’t know: I’m very quiet

Toughest opponent/why: Springboro, they always put up a tough fight against us and it’s always the two biggest games of the year

Favorite book: Harry Potter series

Favorite movie: Deadpool

Favorite TV show: World of Dance

Favorite musical artist: Kooda

Favorite pro athlete/why: Clayton Kershaw, I have always wanted to be like him and his game has inspired me in what I do when I play baseball

Favorite smell: Pine Tar

Favorite home cooked meal: Chicken Wings

Game day rituals: Listen to music, and have a handful of peanut M&M’s

Person who would play me in a movie/why: Seth Rogan, because he is a quiet but funny guy.

Words you live by: Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Biggest influence/why: My mom, she has always been strong through everything

I am most annoyed by: My sister

You can’t live without: My dog, Scrappy

Most embarrassing moment: Having my mom as my math teacher in seventh grade

In 10-years, I’ll be: Helping people go through physical therapy

Best thing about baseball: Being around friends and playing the game that I love

Worst thing about baseball: That it isn’t all year-round in Ohio

Vegetable I just won’t eat: Broccoli

Favorite junk food: M&M’s

Favorite school subject: Math

Last DVD or video game I bought: Fortnite

Person whose brain you’d like to pick: Mr. Links

Love to trade places for a day with: Tyler Inloes

When I’m bored, I like to: Sleep

Worst habit: Biting my nails

On your bedroom walls: A flat screen TV

Talent I’d most like to have: Read minds

About the Author