Athlete of the Week: Sara Norcom, Lakota East High School

Sara Norcom

Sara Norcom

Name: Sara Norcom

School: Lakota East

Sport: Volleyball

Class: 2020

Age: 15

Bet you didn’t know: I can palm a basketball

Toughest opponent/why: Mason, because we have similar team tactics

Favorite book: Thirteen Reasons Why

Favorite movie: Waterboy

Favorite TV show: Grey’s Anatomy

Favorite musical artist/song: Hannah Montana/The Climb

Favorite pro athlete/why: Usain Bolt, because he is super fast

Favorite smell: Cinnamon

Favorite home-cooked meal: Steak and potatoes

Game-day rituals: Sleep and stretch

Person who would play me in a movie/why: Adam Sandler because I get told I’m funny

Words you live by: Eat. Sleep. Volleyball.

Biggest influence/why: My father, because he always pushes me to do better

I am most annoyed by: The sound the fork makes when it scratches the plate

You can’t live without: Food

Most embarrassing moment: During school I went to go sit down and I was wearing leggings and the corner of the outlet on the wall tore them and you could see my underwear.

In 10 years, I’ll be: Playing volleyball professionally

Best thing about volleyball: I get to have a second family

Worst thing about volleyball: Sometimes it makes me very angry

Vegetable I just won’t eat: Asparagus

Favorite junk food: Extreme Maximum Moose Tracks ice cream

Favorite school subject: Math

Last DVD or video game I bought: Waterboy

Person whose brain you’d like to pick: My sister

Love to trade places for a day with: My dog

When I’m bored, I like to: Sleep

Worst habit: Hitting something when I’m mad

On your bedroom walls: Medals

Talent I’d most like to have: To be able to dance normally

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