Sport: Track
Class: 2021
Age: 14
Claim to fame: I severed the tendon in my foot and missed the entire regular cross country season but came back for GWOC and qualified for regionals
Bet you didn’t know: I was an all-star cheerleader for five years
Toughest opponent/why: Faith Duncan because she is a very talented runner and she pushes me
Favorite book: The Maze Runner and the Lightning Thief
Favorite movie: The Never Ending Story and Pearl Harbor
Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds
Favorite musical artist/song: Demi Lovato, Firework
Favorite pro athlete/why: Shalane Flanagan because she’s a super talented and super supportive of her competition
Favorite smell: My mom’s apple pie
Favorite home cooked meal: Lasagna soup
Game day rituals: Peanut butter sandwich, banana protein drink
Words you live by: Whenever you think you can’t or think you can, you are right
Biggest influence/why: My mom and dad because they are always there to support me and inspire me
I am most annoyed by: My siblings
You can’t live without: My family and friends
Most embarrassing moment: I can’t think of one
In 10 years, I’ll be: Out of college and working as a critical care nurse
Best thing about track: The feeling after you just ran your best
Worst thing about track: Feeling like you are going to pass out
Vegetable I just won’t eat: I’m not a fan of most vegetables
Favorite junk food: Strawberry shortcake
Favorite school subject: Physical Science
Last DVD or video game I bought: A Dog’s Purpose
Love to trade places for a day with: I’m pretty happy just being me
When I’m bored, I like to: Read, sing and sleep
Worst habit: Fidgeting
On your bedroom walls: Pictures of my friends and family
Talent I’d most like to have: Mind reading
About the Author