West Chester Twp. man sentenced for Warren County beating of older woman

Adam Lee Ellington, 35, of West Chester was sentenced today to 17 to 21½ years in prison on multiple charges, including aggravated burglary and robbery from incident where he beat a 60-year-old Warren County woman.

He was sentenced by Warren County Common Pleas Judge Timothy Tepe.

On April 29, 2023, at approximately 4:30 a.m., the victim, a 60-year-old woman, was at her home getting ready for work. Ellington, who was not previously familiar with the victim, was out walking around the area, under the influence after ingesting THC edibles. When Ellington saw the light on in the victim’s home, he began yelling for her to let him in and busted through the locked door, according to the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.

Ellington, who is 6 feet tall and over 300 pounds, immediately began attacking the woman. He repeatedly struck her in the face and kept asking where her daughter was. The victim, who does not have a daughter, told Ellington that she was alone and did not have a daughter. Ellington then began striking her again, asking her where her gun was because he was going to kill her, according to police.

Ellington continued to assault the victim and asked her where her safe was. The victim told him it was outside. When Ellington went outside, the victim ran into her bedroom to call 911.

The Warren County Sheriff’s Office responded and found Ellington nearby in Deerfield Twp. At the time of this offense, Ellington was a registered sex offender for felony convictions in federal court related to the possession of child pornography, according to Warren County Prosecutor David Fornshell.

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