Trial continued for man charged in Liberty Twp. fatal shooting that killed transgender woman

A trial has been delayed for a man accused of murder in a Liberty Twp. shooting death in June.

The five-day trial in Butler County Common Pleas Court for 25-year-old Tyree Jeffery Cross that was scheduled to begin Monday was vacated by Judge Charles Pater on Thursday, and a competency evaluation hearing was scheduled instead.

Cross’ competency for trial was apparently raised by his defense team, but there are no specifics listed in court documents on Friday.

“In preparation for trial, information came to my attention that I previously did not know that created a question as to whether or not Mr. Cross is competent to stand trial,” said defense attorney John Kaspar.

Some of that information comes from one of Cross' prior cases, he said.

Cross is one of three charged in the June 9 shooting death of Riah Milton, a 25-year-old Cincinnati woman who detectives say was “lured” to a Liberty Twp. park so the suspects could steal her Camaro. A fight ensued, and Milton was shot to death in the 6000 block of Spruce Creek Drive. The suspects drove away in Milton’s car, which was eventually ditched in West Chester Twp.

Cross is also charged with two counts of felonious assault and two counts of aggravated robbery.

One of Cross' co-defendants, Kaleb Marshall Tooson, 18, of Liberty Twp., is also charged with murder and two counts each of felonious assault and aggravated robbery. Tooson is scheduled to stand trial Feb. 1.

Both are being held in the Butler County Jail on $1 million bonds.

In July, the third person involved — a 14-year-old Lakota East student — was sentenced to six months of home confinement for her role in the Liberty Twp. shooting. The juvenile had her six-month commitment to the Ohio Department of Youth Services suspended by Butler County Juvenile Court Judge Kathleen Romans. The girl pleaded true to the charge of tampering with evidence, a third-degree felony.

The 14-year-old will not be allowed to leave her home during her home incarceration and will be closely monitored by her probation officer. Additionally, she was ordered to undergo counseling and have intensive probation, which means she will regularly be monitored and will frequently meet with her probation officer. She is also to have no contact with Tooson and Cross.

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