Traffic congestion relief coming to Butler Warren Road

More left turn lanes will be added from northbound Butler Warren Road and from eastbound Liberty Way. ED RICHTER/STAFF

More left turn lanes will be added from northbound Butler Warren Road and from eastbound Liberty Way. ED RICHTER/STAFF

Sometime after 2020, it may be a little easier to get around the busy intersection of Butler Warren Road, Liberty Way and Mason Road.

Planning has started on a $1.25 million project to add additional left turn lanes from northbound Butler Warren Road and from eastbound Liberty Way.

“The project, once completed, is designed to increase capacity and facilitate traffic movement between Butler and Warren counties,” said Barb Wilson, a spokeswoman for West Chester Twp. “Currently, during peak travel times, traffic backs up at the intersection as motorists attempt the left turn. The addition of the turn lane should provide some relief by adding lane capacity for vehicles.”

Butler County Engineer Greg Wilkens said traffic has grown in that area since the opening of the Interstate 75/Liberty Way interchange in 2009.

“Traffic is backed up out of the turn lanes because we don’t have the lane and turn capacity,” Wilkens said. “This will add to that capacity.”

Dale Schwieterman, engineering deputy, said the overall traffic in that area has experienced 30 percent to 50 percent growth. He estimated traffic has grown from about 13,000 vehicles a day in 2008 to about 20,000 vehicles a day in 2014.

Butler County will be responsible to complete the necessary design work for the project using internal staff and will supervise the construction of the project, according to the agreement. Warren County will also supervise, monitor and inspect construction inside its borders.

According to the agreement, Butler County will be responsible for 60 percent of the costs of the project, which is estimated at $754,733; while Warren County will be responsible for about 40 percent or about $503,156 of the project costs.

Both counties have already applied for Ohio Public Works Commission funding for the intersection improvement project.

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