<b>‘Snow days are the worst ...’</b>

Even in close-knit families, there are disputes. In my home of empty-nesters, there is the ever-present ESPN vs. HGTV debate. Another biggie? My spouse is vegetarian while I am a carnivore.

But with enough TVs and an every-person-for-himself/herself style of preparing meals, it works. Or as the teens like to say, “It’s all good.”

Add testosterone and the stakes escalate. My son-in-law is (God bless him) a Michigan fan. My grandson is a true blue (make that scarlet and gray) Buckeye fan. This can get pretty ugly on the days of the big games. But for Christmas — with the diplomacy of a grandparent — I gave them a big doormat (the size of a rug) that says “A House Divided.”

On one side it has the Michigan logo and the other half features Brutus. There is a jagged line down the middle that resembles a lightning bolt. They both loved it. Civil War sidestepped with humor.

But for out-and-out warfare, within my family, there is no greater battlefield than snow days. Why? My daughter is the mother of five school-age children. I am a high school teacher. While I look forward to the R&R promise of the last day of the school year, my daughter does a victory dance at the bus stop on the first day of school. I’m serious. She actually does the dance.

Snow days are the worst. I relish those phone calls that update me with the school’s plan for a one-hour delay, two-hour delay and my personal favorite — school is closed! However, I know my daughter will also be calling me (following each school call) with a sarcastic remark.

This morning, she said: “There is not one snowflake! They are canceling school due to impending weather conditions! Are you kidding me?”

I said: “Stop calling me. I want to go back to sleep. If you can’t take a joke, the heck with you!”

I tell you those penta-moms can be a real nuisance on a snow day.

Let it snow!

Dauna Easley

West Chester Twp.