Residents can voice opinion on zoning change needed for combined 911/Coroner center

Credit: Nick Graham

Credit: Nick Graham

Hamilton residents will have a chance Wednesday to weigh in on an estimated $25 million building project to house Butler County’s 911 center and coroner facilities in Hamilton.

Butler County is seeking a zoning variance for the planned facility in the 1800 block of Princeton Road. The developer, which already received a recommendation from the city’s planning commission, hopes to have a similar response from Hamilton City Council.

The building will consolidate the coroner and dispatch into one facility, and the Butler County Sheriff will use the existing 911 center for different purposes. Since the joint facility is in an Office Planned Development zone, it requires approval from the planning commission. Two of the requested variances are related to landscaping and two are related to the building’s facade. The fifth variance is requesting an 8-foot fence around the perimeter for security purposes.

The request is for approval as a preliminary and a final planned development plan, given the timeline of the project. It’s expected groundbreaking could happen later this year.

The new Butler County Sheriff’s Office 911 dispatch center is needed due to higher volumes of calls. More than 100,000 emergency calls are fielded by the dispatch center every year to any one of nine law enforcement agencies and 17 fire and EMS agencies.

“The county has experienced tremendous growth and requires additional space to accommodate operations, training, and equipment,” according to the application to the city.

The new Butler County Coroner’s Facility has also had an increase in demand and requires efficient and updated spaces. Currently, the coroner has two separate facilities, an administrative office and the county morgue. The coroner’s office receives more than 800 calls a year and handles 400 cases.

Hamilton City Council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in council chambers on the first floor of One Renaissance Center, 345 High St.

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