The City of Hamilton wants to redevelop and expand RiversEdge, which since 2017 has attracted nearly 200,000 people to more than 120 events there — an estimated $6.25 million in economic impact. The redevelopment plan involves two phases and is estimated at $3 million.
A recent Facebook post from RiversEdge says pre-construction talks have started, and invites commenters to share their opinions.
The Journal-News previously reported the City of Hamilton invests $500,000 per year into RiversEdge, and in 2023 that return on investment more than doubled related to its estimated economic impact. The 25 shows in 2023 attracted more than 30,000 people, and coupled with $150,000 in private sponsorships, that impacted the local economy as people spent an estimated $1.1 million around town.
The $1 million infusion from the state will help RiversEdge begin Phase 1.
Hamilton Resident Services Director Adam Helms previously told the Journal-News the funding from the state is crucial, and it will help them keep some of the entertainment at RiversEdge free.
The RiversEdge concert season typically begins around Memorial Day and flows into September.
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