Poker club reopens in Oxford as local gambling option

Poker enthusiasts can now play in Oxford rather than driving to out-of-town casinos with the recent opening of the Newgate Arena Poker Club.

Opened in 2018 as Newgate ESports Arena, the business was shut down for the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave owner Ambrose Li a chance to take another look at his business model. He decided poker was popular in this country and becoming more popular in China, so he switched his focus.

“The pandemic hit hard,” he said. “We were closed about all year with the pandemic and the loss of regular customers. Poker is especially popular in China and there are a lot of international students here.”

There were a lot of work to do with the Ohio Gaming Commission to ensure the business will not be run like a casino.

“I spent a lot of time with attorneys and the Ohio Gaming Commission with questions about gambling. There are rules to get around. We are a friendly poker club, not organized gambling,” Li said.

He explained casinos take $5 of every pot. He is not allowed to do that but operates like a club where members buy in to games.

It is a walk-in business, and memberships can be signed on the spot. An application form is required of everyone coming in to play. Tournaments are available every day with a buy-in of $25 for 5,000 chips and a club fee of $5. Non-tournament games are also available for people wanting to play for a shorter time.

The room has three poker tables and a Mahjong table.

Li said after a soft opening April 28, he has been gauging the interest of members in the hours they will play so his hours are flexible, but he plans to get hours set before long, anticipating possible different hours for the summer than when Miami classes open for the fall.

The business is closely controlled by the state of Ohio and Li wants to promote an atmosphere of friendly gatherings where people can socialize.

“I want to create an environment without alcohol. Students need something to do without drinking. We do not sell alcohol or allow people to bring it in. I want to keep people out if they are drunk,” he said.

Newgate Arena Poker Club is located Uptown, 35 West High Street. The web site is

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