Oxford to explore transportation connections to help people get to employment centers

The inside of a Butler County Regional Transit Authority bus is seen here. NICK GRAHAM/FILE

The inside of a Butler County Regional Transit Authority bus is seen here. NICK GRAHAM/FILE

Oxford City Council this week passed a resolution that allows the city to pursue up to $200,000 in Federal Transit Authority grants from a program designed to increase transportation networks in areas of “persistent poverty” — a classification Oxford falls under.

The city would be obligated to match 10% of the awarded amount.

The application is in partnership with the Butler County Regional Transit Authority, which is making a larger, county-wide bid. With the unanimous passage of the resolution, Oxford joins Hamilton and Middletown as the three cities with specific vested interest in the BCRTA application.

If procured, the money would go toward Oxford’s Transportation Thoroughfare Plan, which Assistant City Manager Jessica Greene described as a comprehensive review of the city’s transportation options that would yield “recommendations for roadways, intersections, bike and pedestrian access/routes, as well as planning for other multi-modal needs such as bus and rail access.”

Greene said the funding would allow the city to explore possible intercity connections between the northwest segment of the Oxford Area Trail, potentially connecting the trail to public transit stops and employment centers.

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