Next up for Fitton Family Fridays: Cincinnati ballet to perform ‘Aesop’s Fables’

The  Cincinnati Ballet Otto M. Buddig Academy will perform "Aesop's Fables" as part of Fitton Family Fridays at the Fitton Center for Creative Arts on Friday. CONTRIBUTED

The Cincinnati Ballet Otto M. Buddig Academy will perform "Aesop's Fables" as part of Fitton Family Fridays at the Fitton Center for Creative Arts on Friday. CONTRIBUTED

Cincinnati Ballet’s Otto M. Buddig Academy will bring classic children’s stories to a Hamilton stage through dance.

With 15 to 20 dancers amassed, the Cincinnati Ballet’s music and dance interactive program is for the whole family. In addition to the performance, an education director will be on hand to teach the audience members some of the basics of ballet as well as how a performance comes together.

“We have an incredible partner in the Cincinnati Ballet Otto M. Buddig Academy,” said Ian MacKenzie-Thurley, executive director of the Fitton Center, where the performance will be. “This is their dance academy, and their second company dancers that they bring. The Cincinnati Ballet is absolutely committed to the outreach and their impact here in Hamilton, and they have been doing this for many years.”

“This is an outstanding way for people to connect with ballet, sometimes for the first time. It’s lots of fun. It’s engaging, entertaining and interactive. The kids, mom’s and dad’s will have a chance to come on stage and dance with the ballerinas,” MacKenzie-Thurley said.

Fitton Family Fridays provide family-centric entertainment, including ballets to comedy, musicals and drama. Families have seen everything from magic shows and puppet theater to theater performances.

“The epicenter of it is the family. Families are coming in. Mom and dad can come with the kids, but you also see grandma and grandpa, uncles and aunts, or cousins coming together. It’s an opportunity to come and see live theater,” said MacKenzie-Thurley.

“To be able to come and experience that together is important and very informative, particularly for children growing up, that they have exposure to the arts, of different art forms, and if nothing else, to see what they like. Maybe they prefer ballet, maybe like singing. Maybe they like musicals better than dramas. Maybe they enjoy seeing live musicians, he said. “That is all a part of growing up and finding out what’s to our taste, what we’re interested in. It’s not always about all of these kids wanting to be involved in the arts, but we always want them to be patrons.”

Kid’s can grow up not only to be patrons, but board members, donors and other significant contributors. They might also choose to be artists, actors, musicians, dancers or scientists.

Due to health and safety of guests, there will be complimentary takeaway snacks and treats available to all patrons after each performance. Patrons may also stop in the galleries to see the exhibitions on view before the performance.

How to go

What: Fitton Family Fridays: “Aesop’s Fables” featuring Cincinnati Ballet’s Otto M. Buddig Academy with 15 to 20 dancers

When: 7:30 p.m. Friday

Where: The Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton

Cost: Tickets are $5 for members; $7 for non-members

More Info.: or (513) 863-8873 ext. 110

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