Middletown school board picks former member to fill vacancy

The governing board of this city’s school system reached into the not-so-distance past in filling an empty seat by appointing a former member.

Middletown Board of Education voted Monday to choose Verlena Stewart to fill the vacancy created last month by the early resignation of member Cathie Mulligan.

It’s the second board appointment stint for Stewart, who was first appointed to the board in 2022 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of then-member Michelle Novak.

Stewart, however, lost her election bid in 2023, with her term ending Jan. 1.

This time Stewart was chosen by the board to complete Mulligan’s term, which will run through December 2025.

Stewart, who has been prominent in Middletown for her years of service in a variety of community leadership positions, was praised for her passion for the city and commitment to the 5,900-student school system.

“Verlena brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to our community, making her an invaluable addition to the board of education,” said Chris Urso, school board president.

“With prior experience serving on the BOE, she has already demonstrated a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities in our school district,” said Urso.

Mulligan announced her resignation from the board in July due to progressing physical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

A Middletown resident of more than a half-century, Stewart is a long-time youth advocate.

She is a graduate of Middletown High School and her children are also graduates with her grandchildren now attending the district schools.

She serves as the Executive Director at the Community Building Institute in Middletown.

In a statement released by the schools, Stewart said: “It saddened me to learn of Cathie’s departure. I wish her well and I hope she remains as active as possible. Her magnificent mind and contributions to Middletown City Schools will be greatly missed.”

“I am honored to serve on the BOE and look forward to rejoining the team.”

Middletown Superintendent Deborah Houser welcomed Stewart back, noting “Verlena’s absence was deeply felt, as she has always been a steadfast advocate for Middletown students, ensuring that the well-being and success of every child are at the forefront of our decisions.”

“Her return brings back a vital voice in the community, and I am confident that her passion, dedication, and insight will continue to guide us.”

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