Middletown's only free vision clinic for adults now open

There’s good news for Middletown’s underserved adults who qualify for free vision care: the doctor is officially in.

The Cincinnati Eye Institute Foundation opened its fourth vision clinic Monday for adults who need eye exams, prescription glasses and diagnoses for potentially vision-limiting diseases.

It’s the only free vision clinic for adults in Middletown.

The clinic is located in the former Primary Health Solutions clinic and will share space with the Supports to Encourage Low-Income Families (SELF) agency at 930 9th Ave. in Middletown.

The Middletown vision clinic helps underserved adults who may have never seen a doctor of any kind, much less an eye doctor.

The new CEI Foundation Vision Clinic for Middletown’s underserved adults is possible through community effort. From left include: Mike Stautberg, president of the Atrium Medical Center Foundation; Lisa Jester, corporate manager of communications and public relations for AK Steel Corporation; Dan Sack, interim director for the Middletown Community Foundation; Joe Mulligan of Middletown City Council; Kristen Mulligan, finance and scholarship manager with the Middletown Community Foundation; and Bob Wassler, president of Oswald Company, Inc. and a CEI Foundation board member. Not pictured are donors from Haag-Streit Holdings, U.S., Inc. and Reliance Medical Products, Inc., which donated diagnostic equipment for the clinic. (Oak Tree Communications Photo)

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“Children are so often the emphasis of eye care — and rightly so — but if a parent is unable to see, he or she becomes unable to support a family and the children come to school hungry and unable to learn,” said Patrick Ward, president and CEO of The CEI Foundation. “When you help a parent see better, you help a whole family.”

The Middletown vision clinic will be open the third Monday of each month and expand its hours as demand builds, said Ward.

It’s imperative that adults get proper vision care; people suffering from chronic illnesses like diabetes may not realize their eyesight can often be permanently damaged by the disease, said Amy Jones, assistant executive director of The CEI Foundation.

Middletown health care organizations, businesses and philanthropic organizations donated funds, construction, equipment, space and staffing to make the clinic a reality.

Atrium Medical Center Foundation was a main donor for The CEI Foundation project.

“This clinic, and the services provided, will further our mission to help build healthier communities throughout the region,” said Mike Stautberg, president of the Atrium Medical Center Foundation.

Other donors include: The CEI Foundation; AK Steel Foundation; the Middletown Community Foundation; aPrimary Health Solutions; Haag-Streit Holdings, U.S., Inc. and Reliance Medical Products, Inc.; and Oswald Company.

"We recognize the importance of access to vision care, and are pleased to help our neighbors in the community through this new vision clinic,” said Roger K. Newport, CEO of AK Steel.

Dr. Michael Mendoza will act as staff optometrist, and two CEI technicians will assist.

The CEI Foundation has three other free vision clinics located in the Cincinnati area.

To make an appointment at the new Middletown clinic, call 513-207-6140.