“Our goal for the Tuesday Workshop Series is to provide diverse offerings. These workshops are geared for beginners – the artistically curious who want to get their feet wet with a fun, short experience, where they can take home a finished project at the end of the night. Many of our workshops are open to teens as well,” Dykes said.
A list of upcoming courses, and additional workshop details can be found on Middletown Arts Center’s website at www.middletownartscenter.com/special-classes-art-workshops.
“The workshops are a great introduction to the MAC and all of our course offerings. Many times, we hear from our beginning students that they felt intimidated to begin taking an art class as an adult. Our classes are for all ages and abilities, we have students in our jewelry studio who have been metalsmithing for 25 years and brand-new students who are picking up a paint brush for the very first time,” Dykes said.
Due to COVID-19, MAC will restrict the Tuesday Workshop class sizes to meet safety protocols, and because of this, workshop capacity will fill up quickly. Early registration is highly encouraged.
Pre-registration for each course is required by calling (513) 424-2417, or those interested can stop by the MAC to register in person. More details about the workshops are available at www.middletownartscenter.com. The Middletown Arts Center is located at 130 N Verity Parkway in Middletown.
Upcoming Tuesday Evening Workshops:
Explore Cartooning: Instructor: Four weeks starting Tuesday, September 22, 6:30-8:30 p.m., instructed by Craig Boldman, cost $60. Ages 13 and up. Teens and adults are welcome. This class is for beginning, aspiring and amateur cartoonists. It’s a ground-level environment in which you can discover the basics of storytelling and character creation. Or, if you’ve been dabbling for a while, this is a great way to learn some tricks of the trade and get some additional guidance. Boldman is best known for his work for Archie Comics, having written over 100 consecutive issues of the Jughead comic book (teamed with artist Rex Lindsey) and has been the writer of the Archie syndicated comic strip since 1992.
Paint & Pour: Tuesday, Oct. 6th 6:30-8:30 p.m., instructed by Nancy Thomson, cost $40 (materials included). Come join us for an evening of fun and creativity by following Nancy Thomson’s step-by-step instructions to complete a 11″ x 14″ painting using the pouring method at MAC’s studio. No experience necessary. All materials will be furnished. Participants may add additional canvases for $10 each if time allows. Artists may want to bring an apron or a paint shirt. Participants will go home with their own creations.
Adobe Lightroom - A Crash Course: Tuesday, Oct. 6th 6:30-8:30 p.m., instructed by Ron Wilson, cost $40. This workshop will be a demonstration of the Adobe Lightroom program, covering catalogs, keywords, importing, raw files and editing in the develop module. Ron Wilson is MAC’s photography instructor and a professional photographer featured in National Geographic Traveler, Audubon, Reader’s Digest, and more.
Learn the Art of Quilling: Tuesday, Nov. 10th 6:30-8:30 p.m., instructed by Jean Vance, cost $60 (materials included). Come join us for an evening of fun and creativity by learning the art of paper curling and gluing into 3-D flowers, shapes, etc. to create cards or full-size pictures. Paper, tools, and cards will be included.
Note: Masks are required to enter the MAC. The facility will adhere to sanitation and social distancing standards that have been set forth by the CDC and the Butler County Health Department.
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