McCrabb: Helping fire victims brings community together

Middletown couple had no renter’s insurance.
This house on Highland Street in Middletown suffered major damage during a fire Saturday morning. The two residents, Jimmy and Christina Clendenen, were at work when the fire started. The community has rallied around the family. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF

This house on Highland Street in Middletown suffered major damage during a fire Saturday morning. The two residents, Jimmy and Christina Clendenen, were at work when the fire started. The community has rallied around the family. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary when Jimmy and Christina Clendenen arrived at work last weekend.

They had left their home on Highland Street in Middletown early Saturday morning and made the short drive to Miami Valley Gaming in Monroe where they both work in the housekeeping department.

Then, just a few minutes after they arrived at work, a phone call — and the reason for the call — sent their lives spinning like a slot machine.

Their landlord, the person on the phone, told Christina: “Your house is on fire!”

“Our what?”

“Your house.”

She called her husband on the work walkie talkie, notified him, and they raced to their car. A few minutes later — what must have seemed like an eternity — they pulled in front of their house, saw the Middletown firefighters and the destruction caused by the fire.

“Very, very devastating” was her reaction to the fire. “I had a hard time breathing, talking.”

They have no renter’s insurance and were told the fire caused $50,000 in damages to the property and $10,000 to the contents. The fire may have been an electrical issue, though the Middletown Division of Fire report said the investigation is continuing.

Here’s what is known for sure: Non-profit agencies, family and friends, Miami Valley Gaming and strangers have come to the aid of the Middletown family.

The American Red Cross has provided them lodging at Days Inn, Miami Valley Gaming, where they have worked for years, gave them some living expenses and others have provided clothing, household items and gift cards.

While the fire damaged the home, it didn’t burn down peoples' humanity.

“It’s just been awesome,” Christina, 46, said of the community support. “Some of these people are complete strangers. They have no idea who we are, but they’re still helping.”

She paused on the phone, then added: “That’s incredible.”

They have returned to their home to survey the damage and search the rubble for family keepsakes that may have survived. They found a lockbox that contained the death certificate of a grandson who died six years ago.

“Some things can’t be replaced,” Christina said, her voice quivering.

Due to social media, news of the fire, and the needs of the couple that have been married for 26 years, have spread quickly.

Shawn Thomas, a longtime teacher and wrestling coach at Middletown High School, is just one person who stepped forward.

He has contacted the men’s and women’s groups at Breiel Church of God, where he attends, about donating items to the couple.

Thomas said he can’t imagine that “happening to me” so he wanted to help where possible.

“When something like this happens, it takes all of us, regardless of our situation,” he said. “It’s just the right thing to do.”

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