6 men charged in Ohio prison drug smuggling attempt

Six men, including three from Dayton, have been charged for allegedly attempting to smuggle drugs into an Ohio prison, according to the Department of Justice.

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Alton Herron, 46, Rodney Herron, 27, and Daviontae Norvell, 26, all from Dayton are among the six men indicted on drug-related charges, a Department of Justice spokesperson said in a media release Thursday.

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Joseph Brodbeck, 59, of Columbus, Gerry Branner, 27, of Cincinnati, and William A. Lowery, 30, were also indicted on the same charges.

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The six men are accused of conspiring to distribute Suboxone, cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana inside the Lonon Correctional Institute in Madison County, according to the release.

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“Brodbeck was a contract employee of the prison’s food service company and worked in the prison kitchen. He allegedly smuggled narcotics in to inmates after purchasing the narcotics in various cities in Southern Ohio, including Middletown, Dayton and Springfield, the spokesperson said in the release.”

The other five charged were all inmates of prison in London at one point and allegedly paid Broadbeck for the drugs, according to investigators.

All six are facing a charge of conspiring to possess with intent to distribute narcotics, a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison, according to the Justice Department.

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