Official: Coming 2020 census important for every community, splitting up $675B

In advance of the 2020 nationwide count of local and state populations, the U.S. Census Bureau is seeking local governments’ help in motivating area people to fill out their forms.

Census Partnership Specialist Carolyn Tepe recently made her pitch to Hamilton City Council, as she has to officials in Monroe, Middletown and Liberty and West Chester townships, noting to officials that money they receive is based on census data.

Each year, census results determine how $675 billion in federal and state funds are distributed. That money goes to schools, roads and hospitals, among many other things, based on populations those places and things are serving.

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The first census was performed in 1790, under U.S. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, and counted 3.9 million people in the country. The U.S. Constitution requires a census be performed on each year that ends with zero.

“It is the United States’ largest peacetime activity,” Tepe told Hamilton officials.

One reason the census is performed is to determine how many congressional seats each state has.

Census Day will be April 1, although people will be able to fill out responses through an online tool beginning March 23 into moving into July.

Many organizations and local governments base their decisions on census data, while businesses use the socioeconomic information it provides them about people who live in given areas when deciding where to build stores, factories and warehouses.

“In 2010, Ohio lost two congressional seats,” Tepe said. “Ohio is on the cusp of possibly losing a seat in 2020, which right now we are gaining population in Ohio, but we are not gaining at the same rate” as other states, such as Texas, Washington, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, she added.

“So it is important that we count every single person and household in Ohio to assure that doesn’t take place,” she said.

Several things will be new this census, Tepe said:

  • People will be able to fill out census forms on their smart phones or laptops, but they still can use paper. Those who don't respond will be visited by officials carrying hand-held devices.
  • Officials will use Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, among other social media, to maximize participation.
  • Ohio will have eight census offices. One now is open in Columbus, with others opening in late summer. Butler County will be overseen by the Dayton office.
  • Census officials are hiring. Enumerator positions start at $14 per hour, with area census-office managers earning as much as $32.50 per hour. Positions are available at Some of the jobs are temporary, while others are full-time.
  • From August into October, census employees will be confirming all addresses across the country.

Among other things, the census bureau is asking local governments nationwide for information about homeless shelters and social-service providers who serve transient populations so those hard-to-find people are counted.

The bureau also is asking governments to create volunteers “Complete Count committees” and newsletter messages that encourage people to respond to the census.

“You are the experts about Hamilton,” Tepe said. “You know your community and what they respond to. We also know that having a CCC increases participation ratios and response rates, based on the 2010 census. In the cities that we did it, we had the best response.”

Mayor Pat Moeller told Tepe he’s interested in knowing who Butler County’s CCC point person might be.

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