More graduation changes: Private schools in Butler, Warren counties announce plans

Butler County’s only Catholic high school will be holding a coronavirus-safe commencement for its graduating seniors, say school officials. Graduating Badin High School seniors and their parents or guardians will be invited inside as limited-numbered families into the gym and other parts of the school for photographs and diploma ceremonies with school officials. (File Photo/Journal-News)

Butler County’s only Catholic high school will be holding a coronavirus-safe commencement for its graduating seniors, say school officials. Graduating Badin High School seniors and their parents or guardians will be invited inside as limited-numbered families into the gym and other parts of the school for photographs and diploma ceremonies with school officials. (File Photo/Journal-News)

Area private highs schools are joining the trend of local public high schools in creating their own, often unique coronavirus-safe graduation ceremonies.

Badin High School in Hamilton, which is the only Catholic high school in Butler County, plans to use the school’s gym and other rooms, but strictly limiting who may enter to adhere to state health guidelines.

And in the Warren County portion of Middletown, Fenwick High School is preparing a spread-out commencement in its expansive campus and parking lot.

Officials from Middletown Christian Schools said they are still formulating commencement plans but expect to announce those soon.

Badin will graduate the 148 members of the Class of 2020 over a four-day period from June 9-12, said school officials. Families will use the online program SignUpGenius to pick a time to come to Badin during those four days.

Students will wear caps and gowns, and they will go the gym with their parents to walk to receive a diploma as ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ is played. Photos and video will be taken of each individual ceremony.

There will also be a couple of locations within Badin High School for students to get other graduation photos taken as well. All of the graduation ceremony will be recorded, then put together in a single video to be shared with the class, said officials.

“Even though we all hoped we could have a large gathering to celebrate you and all of your accomplishments, we are excited to celebrate with you in this unique and personal graduation,” Badin Principal Brian Pendergest wrote in a letter to families

Plans for senior speeches and the awarding of graduation medals are still being worked out, Pendergest said.

Officials at Fenwick said their ceremony will be unusual with an emphasis on maintaining social distancing to lessen chances of coronavirus infection. The drive-thru ceremony will happen at 6 p.m. on May 28.

“Each graduate has been assigned a parking spot and they and their immediate family will remain in their car in that spot,” said Fenwick Assistant Principal Jason Umberg.

“Parts of the ceremony, including prayer, speeches, and reading of names will be done in a staging area at the front of the school and will be live streamed so that families can watch in their cars as well as people at home being able to view. For receiving diplomas, the car will drive to the front of the school where the student will get out of their car, pick up their diploma cover and have their picture professionally taken.

“The student’s vehicle will than travel around the school where they will be cheered on by teachers, coaches, alumni and benefactors who will be parked along the driveway. Following the issuing of diplomas, and playing of the school’s Alma Mater, Middletown Police will lead a drive through the front driveway, across the front of the school, and then escort families onto the road to head their way.”

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