UPDATE: Hamilton school lockdown ends after police search for suspect

Hamilton police were searching for a suspect in a pursuit that began in the area of St. Clair and Pleasant on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019. NICK GRAHAM / STAFF

Hamilton police were searching for a suspect in a pursuit that began in the area of St. Clair and Pleasant on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019. NICK GRAHAM / STAFF

UPDATE @ 3:33 p.m.

Hamilton School officials told the Journal-News they have been instructed by the city’s police to end the lockdown at Linden Elementary.

“Law enforcement has notified Linden Elementary School the school area is secured,” said Joni Copas, spokeswoman for Hamilton Schools.

“The lockout has been lifted and Linden will be conducting school business in a normal manner for the remainder of the day — including dismissal,” which is at 3:50 p.m., she said.

Hamilton police officials said officers started the neighborhood search after a caller reported a man armed with a handgun was acting erratically in the area.

No one was injured but police said as a precaution they notified Linden Elementary to go into a lockdown as officers began their search.

Police said they had no information the man was intending to harm anyone.

Police said the suspect was described as a 6-foot-3 black male in his mid-20s wearing a white shirt and blue jeans who had a handgun.


Police chasing a suspect near a Hamilton elementary led the school to go on lockdown, school officials said this afternoon.

All students and staff are being kept inside Linden Elementary at 801 Hoadley Ave., said Mike Holbrook, superintendent of Hamilton Schools.

The incident began at about 1 p.m. with officers pursuing a suspect in the area of St. Clair and Pleasant.


“Linden Elementary School received a phone call today from law enforcement to go into a lock down due to a suspect who was loose in the Linden area,” said Holbrook.

“All students and staff are safe and inside the building. At this point, no individual is permitted to enter or leave the building until this situation is resolved,” he said.

Calls to Hamilton police officials did not elicit an immediate response.

Joni Copas, spokeswoman for the city schools, said “we will update this situation as soon as possible.”

The Journal-News will report as information becomes available.

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