Juvenile charged after fleeing police when dead deer found in Butler County field



Reports of gunshots on the same day took police to the area of the 400 block of West Vine Street in Oxford twice on Dec. 1.

On the second report, officers found a deer killed in a nearby wooded area. A juvenile was caught after the second report and charged with obstructing official business after fleeing from the scene.

The first calls came at 10:40 a.m. and one of the callers said she heard approximately five gunshots and looked out an upstairs window to see two teenage males wearing hoods and masks carrying a gun of some sort. She said she then heard four more shots and two males ran off toward Parkview Arms Apartments.

The officer checked the area but did not locate anyone.

At 2:06 p.m., police again responded to that area on another report of shots fired but this time, the witness said a deer had been killed and the two seemed to be cutting it up. The officer went around to the Coldwell Banker parking lot and entered the woods from that direction, seeing the pair field dressing the deer. The officer approached carefully calling out to them to not raise the gun and to come over to him.

The brush was thick but as they neared him, the officer saw one was thin wearing a gray outfit and gray hat. The other was described as heavier and wearing dark clothing. The two males looked at each other and took off running through the woods toward Locust Street. Fearing they would turn north toward Kramer School, the officer went in that direction to head them off, but they did not show up there.

The one wearing gray was seen by another officer running toward Brown Road and then into backyards toward Lincoln Street. Two officers and a lieutenant were all in pursuit on foot following footprints in the snow. They finally found the juvenile in gray hiding under a deck in a backyard on Lincoln. He was taken into custody without incident.

He was identified and found to have warrants out of the Butler County Sheriff’s Office juvenile division. He denied having a gun or shooting the deer, saying the other person had shot the deer and he was only helping cut the deer into pieces. Gallon-size baggies were found in his possession.

The juvenile was taken to the police department while a detective processed the scene, taking pictures of the deer and collecting two knives and a gray beanie-type winter hat. The juvenile was charged with obstructing official business.

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