How the downtown Middletown community is supporting local businesses during coronavirus

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

Middletown’s downtown community is working to encourage businesses during the coronavirus COVID-19.

Jeff Payne, executive director of Downtown Middletown Inc., said the organization is looking at ways to encourage downtown businesses “to hang in there during these challenging times. “

Last week, instead of running around preparing for the monthly First Friday events, Payne and other volunteers were hunkered down safe-distancing.

“The biggest frustration is not knowing how soon,” he said.

Payne said the organization is kicking into gear the Economic Restructuring Committee, whose normal function is to work seamlessly with DMI’s promotional efforts to help business owners deal with the challenge everyone is facing.

“The committee has focused its efforts on 1) getting through the crisis, and 2) preparing for our recovery once we are through it,” he said.

In addition, DMI has developed a link for its webpage "Downtown Middletown - How You Can Help" for people interested in helping:

“This page lets everyone know that there are ways that the community can support our downtown, and those businesses,” Payne said. “One of the most impactful ways is to purchase gift cards from our downtown businesses. Another way is to take advantage of our businesses that provide for carry-out.”

He said the committee has been doing research on the various processes associated with the recent federal legislation “CARES Act” and “EIDL,” so that if requested, DMI can provide some guidance to our businesses on how to get started.

Payne also want to encourage members of our philanthropic community to support the efforts of the Middletown Community Foundation, specifically the Coronavirus Emergency Fund.

He said the Middletown foundation’s efforts are to be applauded, because the community has seen the sudden and shocking impact of this pandemic on the local economy.

Payne said DMI submitted a proposal to implement a program that they hope will be funded. He said the programs’ goal is to provide some immediate financial relief, and encourage businesses to take advantage of the recent federal relief efforts. If the effort is successful, Payne said DMI will share more details and did not want to get ahead of ourselves at this time.

“I think the most important take-away is that the Downtown Middletown Community is doing its part to help fight this virus, and eager to get back to work providing a wonderful experience to Middletownians, and our many visitors,” Payne said.

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