Hearing for Hamilton chiropractor charged with sex crimes will continue next month

Hamilton chiropractor Dr. Stephen Boyd was arraigned Friday in Butler County Common Pleas Court. He is charged with 26 felony sex-related crimes. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF

Hamilton chiropractor Dr. Stephen Boyd was arraigned Friday in Butler County Common Pleas Court. He is charged with 26 felony sex-related crimes. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF

A hearing for Hamilton chiropractor Dr. Stephen Boyd, who is facing 26 sex-related charges, will happen next month after it was continued on Tuesday.

Boyd, who is free on bond, was arrested Dec. 9 after a grand jury returned the indictment against him for allegedly inappropriately touching patients and engaging in misconduct. Boyd has also been the subject of an investigation by the Ohio State Chiropractic Board.

Prosecutors and defense attorney Christopher Pagan met in chambers, and the hearing was continued until Feb. 2.

The indictment accuses the 57-year-old of committing sex-related crimes for decades. According to prosecutors, the indictment involves crimes against eight victims who were juveniles and young adults in their late teens at the time of the alleged crimes. The alleged crime occurred between November 1998 and December 2014.

Boyd is charged with 12 counts of gross sexual imposition, seven counts of sexual battery, four counts of rape, two counts of attempted sexual battery and one count of attempted rape.

During the arraignment hearing, Pagan entered not guilty pleas to all charges. Pagan Boyd owns his Main Street business and his house, valued at a total of $400,000. Boyd put up both properties as bond to assure his reappearance in court.

Hamilton Police , who began investigating the case in the fall, posted a notice on social media stating the investigation is ongoing.

“Given the numerous contacts that detectives have had with subjects in this investigation, it is believed that there may be more victims that have been mistreated by Dr. Boyd in the 30+ years that he has been practicing here in the City of Hamilton,” the police stated in the post. “The Hamilton Police Department is requesting that anyone with further information regarding this investigation please reach out to the designated tip line at 513- 868-5811 ext. 1009.”

Hamilton Police Chief Craig Bucheit told the Journal-News detectives have received new calls with information and detectives would follow up on any new information and leads.

Bucheit said detectives are following up on the new information and leads.

Butler County Prosecutor Michael Gmoser said additional charges could be considered by a grand jury and a superseding indictment issued.

The Ohio State Chiropractic Board sent Boyd a letter on Feb. 20 notifying him of sexual misconduct allegations by two patients dating back to 1989 and the early 1990s. Two more patients with allegations as late as 2012 were added to the complaint in June.

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