Have a mural idea for Hamilton? Now you have more time to submit it

Artist Stephen Smith works on a mural last summer in Hamilton. Artists have until midnight Feb. 12 to submit design ideas for possible inclusion in Hamilton’s StreetSpark program this summer. STAFF FILE/ 2016

Artist Stephen Smith works on a mural last summer in Hamilton. Artists have until midnight Feb. 12 to submit design ideas for possible inclusion in Hamilton’s StreetSpark program this summer. STAFF FILE/ 2016

The deadline to submit an idea for a mural to be painted on a Hamilton building has been extended.

Artists have until midnight Feb. 12 to submit design ideas for possible inclusion in Hamilton’s StreetSpark program this summer.

MORE: Hamilton murals program to be bigger in 2017

The program, which created two murals in 2016, will offer three large areas on the sides of buildings this year. Final designs will be chosen by a selection committee of art professionals.

The 2017 locations will be:

  • Clark's Sporting Goods Store at 15 S. B St. is offering a 14-feet-high-by-43-feet-wide space on the 1954 building. Three artists will be hired to paint the mural over a 12-day period. The winning creator of this design will receive $500.

  • The building at 212 Main St. offers an irregularly shaped 35-foot-high-by-36-foot-wide area on the former location of the West Side Motor Co., and later Marshall Electric Co. The building now houses two furniture making- or renovation businesses, First Ward Wood Co., and Unsung Salvage Design Co. Four artists will be hired to complete the mural within 19 days. The winning designer will receive $500.
  • The city's McDulin Parking Garage, near the corner of Market and 2nd streets, overlooking the new pocket park being built at 2nd and High streets. This mammoth space will be 36 feet high and 105 feet wide. Six artists will be hired to complete the work over 35 days. The winning designer will receive $1,200.

MORE: Hamilton officially dedicates McCloskey mural

Click here to submit a mural idea

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