Hamilton looks to aid Pahhni Water with $30K grant

Erik Loomis and Dr. Satinder Bharaj, PhD, co-founders of Pahhni High pH Alkaline Water, have started bottling their products in the Third and Dayton building in Hamilton. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF

Credit: Nick Graham

Credit: Nick Graham

Erik Loomis and Dr. Satinder Bharaj, PhD, co-founders of Pahhni High pH Alkaline Water, have started bottling their products in the Third and Dayton building in Hamilton. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF

Hamilton City Council will consider providing Pahhni Water with a $30,000 grant in exchange for new jobs being created.

The grant is with the Sateri Group LLC, which does business as Pahhni Water inside the Third + Dayton building, 315 Dayton St. The company, founded by Satinder Bharaj and Erik Loomis and has been operating since January 2023, located in Hamilton to tap into the Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer, they said.

The grant funds will be through the city’s recoverable grant fund, also known as the city’s revolving loan fund. City Council is expected to consider the recoverable grant at Wednesday’s meeting, and according to the parameters of the agreement, various conditions must be met or it would have to be repaid.

City staff is recommending the grant’s approval as it will allow Pahhni Water to purchase a labeling machine for the company to be able to expand its bottling operations. Tom Vanderhorst, Hamilton’s executive director of External Services, said the submitted grant request was for $39,500.

“They would have about $10,000 in this labeling machine,” he said. “Currently, the company is buying their bottles pre-labeled, and this machine would allow them to do this on-site.”

Loomis said the grant would give Pahhni Water more flexibility as they can order clear bottles instead of pre-labeled ones.

“We can order more clear bottles at scale, and that’s going to save a little bit of money, and it just gives us the flexibility,” he said, adding they could contract manufacture special labels.

“We’re super jazzed to be a part of the community and happy to be doing what we’re doing, and if we can help people, we’d love to do that.”

Loomis said the company plans to expand its staff, a requirement of the grant. He said two new full-time employees are expected to be added either later this year or next. They now have two full-time and four part-time employees.

Pahhni Water is available online and in more than 150 stores in the region, and they are in talks with additional chain locations, Loomis said.

All of Hamilton’s recoverable grant requests are reviewed by the Hamilton Community Improvement Corporation, and the body recommended the grant for approval at its Feb. 27 meeting.

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