Fairfield’s Reagan Vanoss to be remembered on her ‘angelversary’

Reagan Vanoss will be remembered by her Fairfield West Elementary family this afternoon as their “little Rey of Sunshine.”

Students and staff at River Road elementary school will honor Reagan at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday to plant a tree in her memory on what school officials lovingly refer to as her “angelversary.”

“This tree will be a living tribute to a beautiful and generous spirit, an eternal memory that will continue to grow here at West, " said Carla Woeste, school secretary. “We all still struggle with her loss. Her mom has asked us to please keep saying her name ― Reagan, our little Rey of Sunshine.”

Reagan was a 10-year-old fifth-grader when she died May 11, 2021, while riding an ATV with her father, Brad. They just completed dragging a diamond at the Fairfield Civitan Club’s ball fields when the vehicle flipped and landed on Reagan.

The dedication is open to the public and visitors are encouraged to wear purple, which was Reagan’s favorite color. Every May 11 will be considered Reagan’s day at Fairfield West, and it’s been deemed “Spread a Rey of Sunshine Day.”

Also today, Brad Vanoss, his son and some friends will walk 10 miles delivering Purple Monkey Project window decals to those who previoulsy requested before heading to the tree dedication.

Later this month, on May 21, the Vanoss family will hold the inaugural Reagan’s Fun Run 5K at Fairfield High School, 8800 Holden Blvd. The fun run starts at 8 a.m. and all proceeds raised will go toward a scholarship and community-based needs for the Purple Monkey Project, said Brad Vanoss.

Purple Monkey Project was established as a memorial in honor of Reagan, “aimed at keeping her sweet spirit alive and doing good in our community,” as outlined on purplemonkeyproject.org. “Reagan’s kindness and concern for others is our inspiration. Our mission is to support local organizations that embody her joyous spirit, by paying joy forward. We promote acts of kindness in her name, create charitable community events, and raise money to help other kids.”

Two days after Reagan’s Fun Run 5K, it will be Purple Monkey Project Night at Great American Ball Park when the Cincinnati Reds take on the Chicago Cubs. A portion of each ticket supports the Purple Monkey Project and the group will sit in Section 142. Tickets are available but limited. To order, visit https://tinyurl.com/PMPNightMay23.

Other scheduled Purple Monkey Project events planned are a bowling tournament in July and a golf outing in September, but venues are to be determined.

“I would love to turn the Purple Monkey Project into something that will be ongoing for a long time, and help just as many kids and other non-profits as possible,” said Brad Vanoss. “It is the least I can do to keep my daughter Reagan’s spirit alive and her memory strong in our community.”

Reagan’s Fun Run 5K

What: Reagan’s Fun Run 5K

When: Saturday, May 23; check-in at 8 a.m., pre-run presentation at 9:30 a.m., fun run starts at 10 a.m.

Where: Fairfield High School

Cost: $30 for the run

Registration: Visit purplemonkeyproject.org/5k-registration.

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