“We are an underground distributor of everything to do with water, sewer, storm, gas and electric. Every contractor that does projects — site, residential, commercial — we supply all the material underground," Will said.
“We bring water to you. We take sewage away from you. That’s what we do.”
Headquartered in St. Louis, Core & Main has had its Fairfield operation about 30 years, Will said. It is a $7 billion company that has facilities in 49 states and employees 7,000 nationally.
Core & Main has 22 employees in its 9,000 square-foot building it leases. They would move to the new facility when its completed. Another four or more employees would be added over the next three years.
GSK Seward Road LLC plans to construct, and then lease a 30,000 square-foot building to Core & Main on a 6.5-acre site at 9411-9451 Seward Road across from the former Liberty Mutual campus. Construction costs are estimated at $4.6 million, according to papers on file with the city.
“We’re excited to see anybody growing,‘’ said Fairfield Mayor Mitch Rhodus. “I tell people all the time I want to be the most business-friendly city in the State of Ohio.”
The new building will be constructed specifically for Core & Main, which will be the only tenant, said Steve Chaney, with GSK. Core & Main will have a 10-year lease with the option to extend it, he said.
The new facility will have a 1,000 square-foot, five-station sales pit to allow for a more collaborative environment, Chaney said.
“It’s going to be a showplace for us. We like to hire college graduates and military,” will said.
“The building we’re in now — it’s hard to paint a picture come work for us. This will help us hire and retain talent.”
As an incentive, Fairfield approved a community reinvestment area agreement with both companies. It provides a 5-year, 45 percent property tax abatement on the new building provided the new jobs are created within three years of the building’s completion.
Payroll is $2.3 million now and is estimated to increase to $2.5 million once the new employees come on board.
A separate agreement provides compensation to the Fairfield City and Butler Tech school districts each year of the abatement.
Site work is underway with construction beginning by mid-April. The building is expected to be completed within a year.
“We have been a partner with the City of Fairfield for 30 years,” Will said. “I just want to thank council for giving us this opportunity to partner again for the next 30 years on Seward Road.”
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