The following people are wanted for offenses ranging from possession of drugs to trafficking in drugs and having weapons under disability, according to police:
- Kennzah Johnson
- Travis Martin
- Jordan Brown
- Jared Patrick
- Joseph Wills
- Marcus Guy
- Reneee Wilson
- Dock Gibbs
- Rachel Roberts
- Mauricio Benty
- Christal Hill
- Josh Martin
- Isiah McCuller
- Chris Hill
- James McCarty
- Jesse Myers
- Cody Tester
- Josh Kash
- Johanthon Hawes
- Molly Wilson
- John McGlothin
- Ryan Richeson
- Larry Fugate
- Richard Robinson
- Tiffany Dell
- Michael Arvin
- Josh Adkins
- Antion Walton
- Willard Byers
- Tavaris Gilbert
- Tim Minor
These persons are wanted for felony drug and/or weapons related indictments, police said.
If you know their whereabouts, call 513-425-7701. All callers can remain anonymous, police said.
Others already arrested as part of the investigations are:
- Delores Ashley
- Chad Combs
- Rhonda Combs
- Michael Sims
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