Retired Beavercreek DARE officer indicted in child porn case

Retired Beavercreek police officer Kevin A. Kovacs, left, shown in his police uniform, and right, shown in his orange Shelby County Jail jumpsuit following his April 2020 arrest in a federal child pornography case.

Retired Beavercreek police officer Kevin A. Kovacs, left, shown in his police uniform, and right, shown in his orange Shelby County Jail jumpsuit following his April 2020 arrest in a federal child pornography case.

A retired Beavercreek police officer arrested in April was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury.

Kevin A. Kovacs, a former DARE officer, was arrested in April and charged with producing, distributing, receiving, transporting and possessing child pornography, as well as tampering with a witness or informant, according to a release from United States Attorney David M. DeVillers of the Southern District of Ohio.

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A 10-count indictment filed Tuesday evening alleges Kovacs in March and April 2015 coerced a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct to create child pornography, the release stated.

In June 2019, Kovacs allegedly intimidated or threatened an individual in hopes of impeding communication with federal authorities about its investigation, according to the justice department.

FIRST REPORT: Retired Beavercreek DARE officer arrested in child porn case

Kovacs remains held without bond in the Shelby County Jail, where he’s been incarcerated since April 16, jail records show.

Anyone with further information about this case is urged to contact the FBI at 513-421-4310 or the Fairborn Police Department at 937-343-8854.

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