911 call in alleged babysitter assault: ‘Hannah breathe. Breathe for Daddy’

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

Hannah Wesche’s father and the woman accused of assaulting the 3-year-old were both present when a 911 call was made Thursday morning to 4050 Shank Road while the girl gasped for air.

Lindsay Partin, 35, a mother of two who was Hannah’s babysitter, is charged with felonious assault and felony child endangering for allegedly shaking the toddler and causing serious physical harm.

At about 7 a.m. Thursday, Hanover Twp. emergency crews and Butler County detectives responded to Partin’s residence for an unconscious child. They found Hannah unresponsive with labored breathing, according to the sheriff’s office. There were obvious bruises about her head and face.


Father of girl allegedly assaulted by babysitter: ‘She is not expected to survive’

3-year-old girl allegedly shaken by babysitter was found with bruises on her head and face

The girl was transported to Fort Hamilton Hospital and then flown to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center with life-threatening injuries. After further investigation, detectives and hospital staff noted additional bruising on the child’s body. Partin admitted to striking the child and stated she had fallen and struck her head on the concrete garage floor the previous day.

In the 911 call placed to county dispatchers, Partin identifies herself and says Hannah “all of a sudden she just passed out.”

Partin says she babysits kids and that Hannah had fallen the day before. She tells the dispatcher she is rushing to get dressed, and her young child can be heard crying in the background.

“She fell real bad yesterday … I thought she was fine,” Partin says. She tells the dispatcher in the 13-minute call that Hannah’s father also is with the girl.

Jason Wesche is heard saying, “Hannah breathe. Breathe for Daddy.”

After the girl was dropped off, Partin said she went in the house and “passed out.”

In the 911 call, Partin also urges the little girl to breathe.

“Keep breathing my little love bucket,” Partin says.

Family members say the girl is “brain dead” and is not expected to recover.

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