A pizza delivery driver for Domino’s told Oxford police at approximately 10:30 p.m. July 2 someone had attempted to rob him earlier while he was at Parkview Arms Apartments.
The driver said he had parked in the lot at the intersection of Locust and Sycamore for a delivery. While he was walking back to his vehicle, he said he was approached by a skinny, short black male with short, curly hair, wearing all black. He said the male kept his hand behind his back while demanding his money. The driver said he refused to give him anything but the male seemed to have heard or seen something which caused him to flee.
The driver said there was no verbalized threat but he believed there was a weapon because the male kept his hand behind his back. He said he was not going to involve the police, but his manager insisted he make a report.
Officers searched the complex but were unable to locate anyone matching the description provided.
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