Bridge replacement to close Madison Twp. road for months

Due to ongoing construction of the roundabout at Tylersville Road and Beckett Road, there is a detour to the Lakota West Freshman School polling location for the Aug. 8, 2023, Special Election. FILE ART

Due to ongoing construction of the roundabout at Tylersville Road and Beckett Road, there is a detour to the Lakota West Freshman School polling location for the Aug. 8, 2023, Special Election. FILE ART

Beginning March 10, Trenton-Franklin Road will close one-half mile north of Ohio 122 and 0.9 miles south of Michael Road for bridge replacement.

The $963,000 bridge replacement project over Kemp Run includes widening the approach shoulders and upgrading the guardrails. The project will take approximately 81 days.

Access to all properties adjacent to the construction zone will be maintained.

Northbound Trenton-Franklin Road traffic will detour southeast on Ohio 122 ( to 2nd Avenue), northeast on South Clinton Street, and northeast on Ohio 4. Southbound traffic will detour south on Ohio 4 and northwest on Ohio 122.

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