Bogan Elementary teacher awarded for excellence in education

Bogan kindergarten teacher Heather Davidson (right) was the recipient of the Harry and Virginia Teckman Excellence in Education Award. Presentation was made at the Talawanda Board of Education meeting March 17 by Betsy Hope, executive director of the Greater Oxford Community Foundation. CONTRIBUTED

Bogan kindergarten teacher Heather Davidson (right) was the recipient of the Harry and Virginia Teckman Excellence in Education Award. Presentation was made at the Talawanda Board of Education meeting March 17 by Betsy Hope, executive director of the Greater Oxford Community Foundation. CONTRIBUTED

OXFORD — An award recognizing excellence in education in the Talawanda School District was presented to Bogan Elementary kindergarten teacher Heather Davidson at the board of education’s meeting March 17.

The presentation of the Harry and Virginia Teckman Excellence in Education Award was made by Betsy Hope, executive director of the Greater Oxford Community Foundation. Hope said Davidson was nominated by a colleague who cited her academics which set up students to succeed, her service as grade-level chair and mentorship of young teachers.

The award was established in 1997 by Charles and Joan Teckman in honor of their parents who were both educators. The award honors current and retired Talawanda District teachers, administrators and staff.

Charles Teckman was quoted in a press release stressing the importance of recognizing outstanding educators in the present time.

“I have never in my life seen a year so difficult for teachers to complete their work. They are to be congratulated,” he said. “When I look back on it, establishing the Teckman Award is the most wonderful thing I have done in my whole life.”

Davidson’s work for her students and school extended beyond just her classroom time, Hope told the board, citing her efforts as Kindergarten Grade Level Chair, member of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Committee and as a mentor to new teachers at Bogan Elementary. She added Davidson is well respected among her colleagues and is always there to offer as much support to her peers as she does to her students.

A nomination suggesting Davidson be given the Teckman Award by colleague Sarah Currier was read by the foundation executive director.

“Mrs. Davidson is a strong leader in her classroom as she guides, encourages, teaches, and loves her students each day… The academics Heather so creatively teaches create a strong foundation that sets her students up to be successful in first grade and beyond,” the nomination read. “She is an educator who works many hours outside of her contracted day. She is always researching and brainstorming new ways to reach students and is frequently re-working/re-designing lessons to make them more engaging for her kiddos. [Heather’s] positive attitude, dedication, wisdom and heart make her worthy of this award, as she has done so much for children and the community.”

As part of the award, Davidson was presented with a check for $500 to be used at the school.

Hope told the board the Greater Oxford Community Foundation is proud to support this annual award giving recognition to excellence in the educational program in the Talawanda District.

“The Greater Oxford Community Foundation is proud to present this award annually so that we can support and give back to the educators who do so much for our community. This award is made possible through our generous donors and supporters and the efforts of our Board of Trustees,” she said, adding the deadline for nominations the 2022 Harry and Virginia Teckman Excellence in Education Award is Dec. 31. For information, call the foundation at 513-523-0623.

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