Best of Butler County: How to get involved in the contest with voting underway

You choose the food, services, people, places, events and businesses that make Butler County great! Nominate and vote in this year's contest on

You choose the food, services, people, places, events and businesses that make Butler County great! Nominate and vote in this year's contest on

The Best of Butler County contest presented by the Journal-News celebrates the best, brightest and most important things in the area.

We’ve chosen our finalists after the nomination process, and voting now runs through Friday, March 14.

The ballot: Click here to get started

Here’s what you should know about getting involved:


The contest will have a nomination period, for you to submit any people or businesses you’d like, followed by a voting period after a list of finalists is selected in each category.

The number of nominations a person or business receives will heavily determine the list of finalists for voting.

Nominations: Jan. 20-31

Voting: Feb. 24-March 14

Winners announced: Friday, April 18

• Special section: Publishes in the Journal-News: Sunday, April 20


We have 155 subcategories this year in nine categories: Around Town, Auto, Beauty & Wellness, Food, Dining & Drinking, Health & Medical, Home Improvement, Professional Services, Recreation and Retail.

There are many new subcategories this year, so be sure to explore all of your options on the ballot.

How to vote

Click here for the ballot page.

• Click on the category you’d like to explore to expand the subcategories.

• Click on the subcategory on which you’d like to vote.

• Choose your selection from the finalists by clicking on its box.

• A pop-up with your ballot will display. You can continue voting by clicking to go to the next subcategory or click to choose a new subcategory, or you can submit your ballot with the green button. You can also see your selections so far.

• You can remove selections from your ballot by clicking the “X” on the right of their box.

• When you’re ready to submit, click “Submit your ballot.”

• If it’s your first time voting, you’ll see a box asking you to verify. None of this information will be shared outside of our organization.

• Enter votes in as many subcategories as you’d like. You’ll be allowed to nominate once per day per subcategory.

How to get winners first

We’ll be releasing some information exclusively first throughout the contest in our Daily Headlines newsletter, which sends late in the morning each weekday.

Sign up for our Daily Headlines newsletter

Where to get more information

All things about Best of Butler County are at

We’ll also be releasing information daily on our social media channels.

Facebook | Instagram | X

How to promote yourself or your business

We’ve put together a website that people and businesses can use for information and tips about how to promote themselves in the contest.

Click here to visit that website, which includes:

• Downloadable logos and graphics

• Suggested language for social media posts

• A form to contact us for more information

How to advertise

Do you want to advertise to promote yourself or your business in Best of Butler County?

Click here to submit your information to us and get started in connecting your logo to our nomination and voting tool.

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