The car show, which is presented by Fairfield Professional Firefighters Local 4010, runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on June 25 at the fields, 4850 Groh Lane.
“There is no better crew than the team that plans our incredible car show year after year, and we are so grateful for their continued dedication,” said Kim Nuxhall, president and board chairman of The Nuxhall Foundation and The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields. “This is a team of volunteers that truly fires on all cylinders, and they’re fueled by hearts of gold. The funds they raise with this event help us to provide big-league opportunities for our athletes with exceptionalities, and we can’t wait to see another big crowd this year.”
Credit: Provided
Credit: Provided
The event is chaired by Steve Crain and Ken Rhodus, and has more than a dozen volunteers on the committee.
Registration for participating cars, trucks, and motorcycles is $20, and general admission to the event is free. Last year, more than 200 vehicles were featured during the event.
Throughout the day, the event will feature music, raffles, door prizes, and a split-the-pot contest, with all proceeds benefitting the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields. Food from Hammann’s Catering, Chester’s Pizza, and Flubs will be available throughout the event.
Joey The Can-Do Kangaroo, the mascot at The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields, will also make an appearance with copies of the companion children’s book also available for purchase.
The 9th annual Cruise-In For Kids Car Show opens for registration at 9 a.m. (no early registration permitted) on June 25 at the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields. The first 100 entries will receive a complimentary dash plaque. Registration closes at noon. Judging will take place from noon to 3 p.m. with trophies awarded to the top 40 entries in various categories.
The event will take place rain or shine.
For more information on the car show or the Miracle League Fields, visit
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