All dogs are required to be licensed, and the fee helps fund the Animal Friends Humane Society and the County Dog Warden.
“Our first year with DocuPet went well,” said Butler County Auditor Nancy Nix. “They offer customizable licenses and a 24-hour HomeSafe lost pet service that reunited 287 pets with their owners in 2024. These reunifications reduce the number of animals in our shelter and free up space and resources for pets needing more care.”
The 2025 licenses are now on sale and the licensing renewal period runs through Jan. 31. Dog licenses are $14 each and are valid for all of 2025. A 3-year license for $42or a permanent license for $140 are also available. After January 31 a $14 penalty is applied per state law.
Dog licenses can be easily purchased online at butlercountyohio.docupet. The DocuPet site accepts credit cards or Visa/MasterCard debit cards. Those wishing to purchase a license may also visit the Auditor’s website at and click on Dog License.
In person licensing is available at the following locations, but the tag will arrive in the mail:
- Ace Hardware - Liberty Twp.
- Ace Hardware - West Chester Twp.
- Al Joe’s - Hamilton
- Animal Friends Humane Society
- Butler County Auditor’s Office
- Butler County Dog Warden .
Every DocuPet tag is equipped with the free HomeSafe™ 24/7 lost pet service and it doubles as a pet’s official tag. DocuPet’s dispatch staff is available to reunite lost pets with their families around the clock.
In addition to regular tags, residents can also choose from colorful and unique designer tag styles online or design their own tag with an easy-to-use customization tool. When tags arrive in the mail, look for the blue DocuPet logo on the envelope.
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