- KETTERING AMERICAN LEGION POST 598 CRUISE-IN IN THE PARK. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5700 Kentshire Drive, Kettering. Free admission. Weather-dependent. Open to cars, trucks, motorcycles, old tractors and racing boats. Organizers say if it’s powered, bring it. Come out and enjoy the shade in the park. For more information, call 937-433-9327.
MAY 25
- DAYTON CARS AND COFFEE AT AUSTIN LANDING. 8 to 11 a.m. Austin Landing. 10050 Innovation Drive, Miamisburg. Free admission. Join southwest Ohio’s most passionate car enthusiasts at this nationally recognized gathering. “As the largest Cars and Coffee gathering in southwest Ohio, we welcome them to our beautiful development, restaurants and hotels to experience what Austin Landing has to offer,” according to organizers. The gathering is open to everyone. No matter your taste, there is something for everyone — from exotics to classics and vintage iron to tuned cars.
- AGAPE FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER FOURTH ANNUAL CAR SHOW. 3 to 8 p.m. 4111 Mapleview Drive, Beavercreek. Top 30 and best of show trophies, door prizes, 50/50. Registration is from 3 to 6 p.m. Spectators admitted for free; $10 entry fee. Open to vehicles of all ages. Rain date is June 15. Not responsible for accidents. For more information, call Foster Akers at 937-716-4227 or Pastor Mark McVey at 937-604-8301.
- FIRECRACKER CRUISE-IN ST. HENRY 1 to 5 p.m. 272 E. Main Street, St. Henry, Ohio 45883. $10 entry fee. Dash plaques to the first 150. Rain or shine. Door prizes. 50/50 raffle. Music. Sponsorship plaques. Trophies. (Not responsible for accidents.) Proceeds used to enhance picnic entertainment and to support the Cancer Association of Mercer County. For more information, call Ben Miller at 419-852-9021 or Dwayne Hemmelgarn at 419-852-3057 or visit FirecrackerCruiseIn.
AUG. 3
- 39th ANNUAL DAYTON BRITISH CAR DAY. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastwood MetroPark, 1385 Harshman Road, Dayton. “Midwest’s Best British Car & Motorcycle Show Celebrating the MGC and TR 7.” Show runs rain or shine. Participant’s choice car show, vendors and swap meet, full service concession stand, dash plaques to first 200 entrants. Spectators admitted for free. For more information, call 937-603-7601 or email DaytonBCD@gmail.com. For registration, call 513-683-7974 or email DaytonBCD@gmail.com. Visit the website and register online at britishcardaydayton.
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