Third graders in Hamilton to have chance to see Children’s Theatre show

More than 1,200 third graders in the City of Hamilton will have the opportunity to see the show over the course of two days in March.

More than 1,200 third graders in the City of Hamilton will have the opportunity to see the show over the course of two days in March.

The Fitton Center for Creative Arts and Hamilton City Schools have partnered to give every third grader in the district an opportunity to see “A Pirate-y Peter Pan” by The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati in March.

“The Fitton Center is going to see more than 800 elementary school students for four performances of ‘Pirate-y Peter Pan’ with Hamilton City Schools, so every third grader will be coming to the Fitton Center to see live theater,” said Ian MacKenzie-Thurley, executive director at the Fitton Center.

Performances will be March 11-12. The children will take a field trip from school to the theater to see the show.

“We have been working with the city administration for over a year now on ways to connect with the students, faculty and the families from Hamilton City Schools, and there have been several things we’ve been doing. We’ve been working on tours, staff retreats, but this is the biggest one, obviously, and the opportunity to bring in the students to see live theater in their local arts center is an amazing opportunity for them,” MacKenzie-Thurley said.

He said the children will get to experience live theater firsthand with the theatrical seating and the lights. The art galleries will also be open.

“For some of them, it will be their first experience of coming to the Fitton Center, and experiencing live theater inside of a professional theater, and we think that’s vitally important,” he said.

Kids will get a fresh take on the timeless story of Peter Pan when The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati turns everyone — including the children — into pirates.

Audience members will sail off to Neverland for an “arrgh-some” adventure. The interactive experience will give some of the children a chance to be on stage, in the middle of the action with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, the Lost Boys and Captain Hook.

MacKenzie-Thurley said the idea came about through direct conversations and communications with Hamilton City Schools, and it’s really been teacher-driven.

“We’re really proud to partner with them,” he said. “We are excited to welcome the children over the course of the two days.”

The performances are free for the children to attend. The schools have arranged transportation for the kids to get to and from the theater.

“The children are currently reading J.M. Barrie’s ‘Peter Pan,’ so there’s a direct correlation between their writing and literary skills, so the show was chosen specifically for them to come to. It directly engages with the curriculum that they are studying, which is absolutely fantastic, and we also think it’s essential for every child to have access to a wide-range of engagements in the community,” MacKenzie-Thurley said.

“The Fitton Center is here for the entire community, and what a great way to start welcoming young people, at an early age, to get them involved and engaged here,” he said.


There will also be a public performance of “A Pirate-y Peter Pan” on March 7 as part of Fitton Family Fridays. The show is sold-out with only a handful of seats remaining. For a schedule of upcoming shows, and performances, or to purchase tickets, go to

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