- Food Truck Park, at Lefferson Park, Breiel Blvd., Middletown. Noon to 8 p.m.
- Red Door Community Concert, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 25 E. Walnut St., Oxford. 12:15 p.m. Music by Yun Kim. Free
- Arts Alliance Everyday Heroes Exhibition Opening Night, at Sinclair Community College, Courseview Campus, Building B, 5386 Courseview Drive, Mason. 5 to 8 p.m.
- Autumn Kings, at Sorg Opera House, 63 S. Main St., Middletown. 8 p.m. sorgoperahouse.org
- Miami Valley Ballet Theatre present “Alice in Wonderland,” at Fairfield Community Arts Center, 411 Wessel Drive. fairfield-city.org
- Bull’s Run Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum Work Day, at 3909 Rosedale Road, Middletown. 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Help keep the park great by removing invasive species and making space for new seedlings.
- Let’s Go Hiking - Springtime Blossoms, at Harbin Park, 1300 Hunter Road, Fairfield. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Free and open to all ages.
- Oxford Caroline Scott Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) welcomes Dr. Dick Munson who will present “Bluebird Trail,” at Oxford Lane Library, Havighurst Room, 441 S. Locust St., 10:30 a.m. Free and open to the public, 513-593-0090
- Sorg Opera House Guided Tour, at 63 S. Main St., Middletown. 3 to 4:30 p.m. Enjoy a preview showing of the film “Sorg’s Opera House: A History” at 2 p.m.
- Oxford Community Arts Center Annual Gala, at 10 S. College Ave. 6:30 to 10 p.m. A Night in Rio - Feel the Rhythm of the Arts. oxarts.org
- Fitton Showstoppers presents Nashville Writer’s Round, at Fitton Center for Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave., Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. fittoncenter.org
- Wildflower Walks, at Peffer Park, 4346 Millville Oxford Road, Oxford. 1 p.m. Held every Sunday through May 14.
- Bull’s Run Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum Spring Wildflower Walk, at 3909 Rosedale Road, Middletown. 2 p.m.
- Butler Philharmonic Secret Garden Gala, at Muhlhauser Barn, 8558 Beckett Road, West Chester Twp. 4 p.m. Reservation deadline is April 10. www.butlerphil.org.
- What Can Ordinary Citizens Do? Promoting Democracy and the Public Good at Miami Downtown Hamilton Center, 221 High St. 6:30 p.m.
- Miami Takes Music Hall, at Cincinnati Music Hall, Cincinnati. 7:30 p.m. cincinnatiarts.org
APRIL 17-27
- Miami University Regionals: 2023 Student Arts Exhibition, at Middletown Arts Center, 130 N. Verity Parkway. Opening reception will be held 6 to 8 p.m. April 21, middletownartscenter.com
- Jungle Jim’s International Market presents Whiskey and War Stories, at the Oscar Station, 5440 Dixie Highway, Fairfield. 5:30 p.m. junglejims.com
- History at the Movies, at Miami Downtown Hamilton Center, 221 High St. 5:30 p.m. Showing “Minari,” (2020)
APRIL 21-22
- Miami University Regionals’ Theatre presents “2 OUT OF 5 AIN’T BAD,” at Sudio 307, 307 Phelps Hall, Miami University Hamilton, 1601 University Blvd.
APRIL 21-22 AND 28-29
- Middletown Lyric Theatre present “Everybody,” at 1530 Central Ave., Middletown, middletownlyric.org
- Butler Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) BEST Volunteer: Ellis Lake Wetland Clean-Up, at Firebird Drive, West Chester Twp., 8 a.m. to noon, butlerswcd.org
- Earth Day/Arbor Day Community Clean-up, in Middletown. 9 a.m. to noon. Walk-ins welcome at 1 Donham Plaza or sign up online at keepmiddletownbeautiful.org
- Bull’s Run Nature Sanctuary and Arboretum Earth Day Work Day, at 3909 Rosedale Road, Middletown. 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Help keep the park great by removing invasive species and making space for new seedlings
- Oxford Community EarthFest, at Uptown Park, Oxford. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Live music and entertainment.
- City of Trenton Earth Day, at Founders Park, 11 E. State St. noon to 2 p.m.
- Greater Cincinnati Earth Day Festival, at Summit Park, Blue Ash. Noon to 5 p.m.
- Miami University Fashion & Design Annual Fashion Show, at Millett Hall, Miami University, Oxford. Doors open at 5 p.m. for Trunk Show. Fashion show starts at 7 p.m. miamioh.edu
- Guest Recital: Dal Niente, at Center for Performing Arts, Souers Recital Hall, Miami University, Oxford. 7:30 p.m.
This list of events is created from information submitted to the Journal-News. To see more things to do or submit an event, go online to journal-news.com/events or email amy.burzynski@coxinc.com.
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