Madison Twp. man indicted and arrested for Middletown shooting death

A Madison Twp. man has been arrested for murder four months after the shooting death of a woman on Flemming Road in Middletown.

Dustin Scott Lykins, 27, was indicted by a Butler County grand jury on Tuesday for felonious assault in addition to murder for the shooting death of a woman on Feb. 11, according to police records and the Butler County Prosecutor’s Office.

The indictment was sealed pending his arrest. Lykins was taken into custody about 10 a.m. today by federal marshals from the Cincinnati office of the U.S. Marshal Service (SOFAST), according to prosecutors.

Amber Adams, 25, was found on the front balcony of an upstairs apartment in the 1700 block of Flemming suffering from a gunshot wound to the chest. She was transported to Atrium Medical Center where she was pronounced dead.

Lykins was charged with a drug offense on the day of the investigation into Adams’ shooting continued.

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