Ex-student teacher at Lakota sentenced for having sex with teen

A woman now living in Chicago has been sentenced to a community corrections program and probation for having sex with a Lakota Local Schools student.

Ana Leigh D’Ettorre, 24, who was a student teacher in the district, was indicted in November 2022 on one count of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, a fourth-degree felony, and 11 counts of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, all misdemeanors, according to court documents.

Credit: Butler County Jail

Credit: Butler County Jail

The crimes occurred between May 21 and Aug. 30, 2022, and involved a teen between the age of 13 and 16, according to the indictment.

D’Ettorre pleaded guilty in February in Butler County Common Pleas Court to unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, a fourth-degree felony and one count disseminating matter harmful to minors, a first-degree misdemeanor. The remainder of the charges were dismissed in exchange for the admission of guilt.

On Tuesday, Judge Noah Powers II sentenced D’Ettorre to five years probation, one year intensive and four years basic. She was ordered to complete the MonDay Correctional Institution program that offers sex offender and alcohol treatment. It is a lockdown facility with a program that takes up to six months to complete.

The judge also ordered that she have no unsupervised contact with minors, maintain full employment, abstain from alcohol and stay out of bars.

She also will be classified as a Tier II sexual offender requiring her to register her residence every 180 days for 25 years.

D’Ettorree faced a maximum of 24 months in jail, according to court records.

D’Ettorre was a student teacher at Liberty Junior School during the second semester of the 2021-22 school year. Her last day with Lakota was May 4, 2022, said Betsy Fuller, district spokeswoman. She was a student at Liberty University at the time.

The district received no complaints about D’Ettorre during her time at Liberty Junior, Fuller said.

Butler County Assistant Prosecutor Lindsey Sheehan said in addition to sexual conduct, D’Ettorre was sending nude photos to the student.

The alleged crime occurred after the school year, but D’Ettorre met the victim during her time as a student teacher, Sheehan said.

The case was investigated by the Monroe Police Dept. because that is where the conduct happened.

“We know it was somewhere within the city limits of Monroe, but we were never able to pinpoint where. Sounded like it was during travel in a car,” Sheehan said.

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