Assurex Health plans third Mason expansion

Melanie Sucevic works in the laboratories at AssureRx in 2012 in Mason. Assurex Health will expand for a third time in Mason, relocating its offices to a new location along Interstate 71. STAFF FILE PHOTO

Melanie Sucevic works in the laboratories at AssureRx in 2012 in Mason. Assurex Health will expand for a third time in Mason, relocating its offices to a new location along Interstate 71. STAFF FILE PHOTO

Assurex Health will expand for a third time in Mason, relocating its offices to a new location along Interstate 71, city officials confirmed today.

Assurex Health will move from the Mason Community Center this September to 6960 Cintas Blvd., a space formerly occupied by Seapine Software.

Founded in 2016, Assurex Health is a precision medicine company in the biohealth sector and part of the Myriad Genetics family of companies.

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The company, which employs 420 employees, with more than 200 of them in Mason, will keep its certified genetic laboratory in the community center for expansion as needed, but all other operations will shift to the new location.

The expansion is a nod to the company’s commitment to the biosciences hub and city of Mason partnership that has been instrumental in its growth over the past seven years, Mason officials said.

The building is a “marquee location” and the gateway to the “Mason bioscience hub,” city officials said.

Since its early days as a start-up, Assurex Health’s operations have been located on and are now spread among multiple sites on the Mason Municipal Campus. Space planning has been part of the Mason Tech Elevator, a program designed to help growth companies scale, as needed.

MORE: Mason company’s $60M center blends industry, job training

“It’s a privilege to work with collaborative public and private partners to deliver strong value for biosciences investment and job creation,” said Mason Mayor Victor Kidd. “Assurex Health continues to advance our growing knowledge economy in the bioscience sector, which includes Genetesis, AtriCure, 360 Pharma, P&G and more.”

The new facility offers approximately 24,000 square feet of office space on a single floor that can accommodate the operations of Assurex Health on one floor and in one location in the city’s Oak Park area, a gateway to the Mason biohealth hub. The new location nearly doubles meeting space available to employees and allows the company to co-locate its workgroups to enhance communication and entrepreneurism, company officials said.

“Teaming with Mason and Assurex Health, we have connected the cost efficiencies, strong talent base and resources that make our region a smart choice for science and technology companies,” said Aaron Pitts, JobsOhio’s senior managing director for biohealth, JobsOhio. “The State of Ohio has been a constant supporter of high-growth technology and biohealth companies.

“Governor Kasich has singled out companies like Assurex Health that are delivering on this promise.”

MORE: Mason company to invest $9.3M to bring 250 new jobs in 3 years

Kidd said that city officials “deeply appreciate” the collaborative partnerships the city continues to have with REDI Cincinnati and JobsOhio.

“Together, we have created a high-growth, low-cost ecosystem and knowledge center important to our community and to the companies we serve,” Kidd said.

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