Hamilton Schools superintendent: Handful of educators have stood out as leaders in past 18 months

The Hamilton City School District prides itself on its mission of “Together, Positively Impacting Learning and Life.” Components of that mission include the values of Compassion, Inclusivity, Relationships, Resilience and Respect.

As Superintendent of Hamilton City Schools, it is apparent the success of our students relies on a strong relationship with families, support from the community, and the talent of our staff.

These relationships have become even more critical during the past 18 months. The challenges that have faced our students, parents, staff and community have been unprecedented. I am proud to be a part of an organization and community that has stepped up and emphasized the support necessary to not only survive but thrive in the face of these challenges.

During unparalleled times, the importance of leadership and passion becomes imperative. The district is fortunate to have numerous educators that have excelled during the past 18 months, and recently the Hamilton City School District had the following educators recognized as the 2021 Harry T. Wilks Educators of the Year Nominees in conjunction with the Hamilton Community Foundation:

Jacquie Baker: Riverview Elementary

Brittany Belew: Hamilton High School - Main Campus

Amy Bijas: Hamilton High School - Freshman Campus

Lisa Brockman: Garfield Middle School

Jason Grant: Highland Elementary

Jennifer Meadows: Crawford Woods Elementary

Amy Michael: Bridgeport Elementary

Jeri Murnahan-Bridges: Ridgeway Elementary

Charles Smith: Miami School

Cindi Spurlock: Brookwood Elementary

Shelley Stamp: Fairwood Elementary

Nancy Taylor: Linden Elementary

Angel Thompson: Wilson Middle School

Each nominee receives a $1,000 grant — courtesy of the Hamilton Community Foundation — to be used in their classroom or school building. Please congratulate each of these outstanding educators the next time you visit our school buildings.

The continued focus on talent attraction and retainment, coupled with the support of our parents and community, make the Hamilton community and Hamilton City Schools an exciting place to live and work.

I look forward to communicating the many successes of our students and staff in upcoming editions of the Superintendent’s Corner and remember to follow the district through Facebook, Twitter and the district website.

Until next time ... “Big Blue Is On The Move.”

Michael Holbrook

Hamilton City School District Superintendent

Credit: Submitted photo

Credit: Submitted photo

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