Charity Ball in Middletown grosses $46,000, attracts 280 people

The 95th annual Charity Ball attracted one of the largest crowds in recent memory and grossed more than $46,000, said Frances Sack, one of the co-chairs.

She said 280 people attended the event last weekend that was held at Miami University Middletown, the first time it has been held there after years at the Pendleton Art Center and the former Manchester Inn. MUM was transformed into an English Manor dining hall, Sack said.

She thanked area business sponsorships and donations, grand patrons and attendees for their generosity. The net proceeds will be presented in April at the Middletown Area Federation Women’s General Membership meeting to the Women’s Endowment Fund that was established in 2010. The funds provide women’s health screenings, tests and initiatives for those women who do not have health coverage or can’t afford necessary treatment, Sack said. Women’s Health Needs service is offered at the Atrium Medical Center, Premier Health Campus-Middletown and has served more than 120 women since it was vested five years ago.

The Middletown Area Federation of Women’s Clubs donations have exceeded $1 million of total funds that have been contributed to various projects since the first dance was held Dec. 27, 1921, at the Elks Temple that was located on Main Street. That first dance netted $678.95, she said.

This year’s chairs were Phillip and Jamie Murphy-Harrison and co-chairs were Dan and Frances Sack.

Larry and Cathie Mulligan were honorary chairs for their many years of service and dedication to the Middletown community.

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