Is Butler County’s Sheriff Jones the most interesting man in the world?

Butler County sheriff using social media to nab criminals.

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones has taken up the mantle of “most interesting man in the world” in an effort to catch drug criminals.

The popular advertising campaign for Dos Equis beer was retired in March, and Jones posted a video to his Facebook page Friday morning declaring himself the "most interesting sheriff in the world."

VIDEO: To watch the full video, click here.

Clips of Jones in action roll as Western music thumps in the background. A voiceover from sheriff’s office Maj. Mike Craft relays some of Jones’ notable “accomplishments,” including winning the Tour de France on a stationary bicycle and giving his blessing to John Wayne before he played a sheriff on the silver screen.

Jones ends the video by professing his love for snitches and asking that residents turn in drug dealers by texting “COPS” to 274637.

By Tuesday morning, Jones’ video had 54,000 views and 788 shares on Facebook.

Jones said the video and other humorous ones like it are meant to share a message that is memorable and that will lead to arrests.

“Heroin is killing us,” Jones said. “It is a way to add some humor, use social media so that people will get your message.”

Jones said he has embraced videos and social media as a way to catch criminals

“It is a subliminal message, but people are watching it. Down the road they may know where to go to turn in a drug dealer,” Jones said. “I encourage that. If you are a dealer and have competition, give me a call. I will take care of them.”

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